Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I'm tattooed in your mind...never to let go

I wanted to share a cute video of my Dachshund, "Bleak". When I got my new tattoo, he must have been quite concerned for me. The morning after I got it, I awoke to him stretching over the mountain of blankets sniffing at my slightly revealed new ink. I figured I'd see where this went before I shooed him away(it tickled!). He then crawled over the blankets and stared down my tattoo for a second before he proceeded to bury it with blankets! here's the video I took days later. he continued to do this until it healed. :)

And I also have an announcement! I have applied to rescue a dachshund from I did this back before christmas. However it's been alot of waiting...and I expected alot more waiting! I got a call recently about one specific dachsie, then an email with some info about two others! So far this one looks promising. :D

Meet Jackson!


  1. The video of Bleak is adorable. I love that he wanted to help heal your tattoo. :)

    Jackson is a cutie! I hope he works out for you and Bleak.

  2. Thanks. :) I really hope it works out. I've already started picturing him running around the house with Bleak. Now to wait until the weekend for any news...*sighs*
